Roadmap for 2024
This list is roughly the order which new features will be worked on.
Type system
Rich text
Local search
Oauth login
E2E encryption
Learning track
Stable persist
Account management
Clip masks
Render layers
Reactivity panel
Development Updates
Added Color type.
Added EventHandler type.
Added FixPoint type.
Added Angle type.
Added Anchor type.
Added Shape type.
Can now edit all fields of event handler arguments.
Reactivity panel now directly displays event handler function.
Added ScrollArea builtin component.
Removed left sidebar in node editor.
Fixed editor not always showing computed value of function calls.
Updated home navigation button appearance.
No longer require a username.
Fixed issue with backspace not always registering on text edit.
Added Ref/Expr indicator for node children.
Fixed Reactivity panel issue when using SetCell with a referenced cell.
Fixed render order issue on refs.
Added ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth functions.
Scale node editor to screen size.
Set NodeRef overrides when editing a ref node.
See overrideable cells (inputs) when editing a ref node.
Node editor UX.
UX for publishing, sharing, and adding collaborators.
Url driven navigation.
Faster incremental updating.
CubeRef type.
Stable persistance format so future changes do not break existing cube definitions.
Various bugfixes.
Updated landing page.
Implemented subscription management via Stripe from account page.
Show current plan on pricing page.
Updated pricing page layout.
Updated account page layout.
Fixed login delay on console.
Scrollable cube now takes max height.
Better validation on login and create account screens.
Updated nav bar.
Cubes are now owned locally.
Implemented delete support for remote cubes.
Replace nav bar buttons in console with single account button with icon.
Clicking user account info in console navigates to user account page.
Fix error when navigating from console back to landing page.
Console is now started when the page is visited, so it is much faster to open.
Navigating away from the console does not cause it to unload.
Updated roadmap to reflect 2024 vision document.
Fix issue with text cursor not always appearing when clicking.
Remove text highlight when changing cursor position.
Fix vertical text alignment to be more centered on all rendered text.
Fix vertical alignment on icons.
Update console navigation bar layout to be more consistently sized.
Wrote and posted CoCube Vision for 2024.
Canonicalized domain name across all api calls.
Automatically redirect to canonicalized domain with www prefix.
Fix CORS issue in safari when using non-canonicalized domain name.
Updated landing page copy.
Prevent multiple POST requests on sign in and create account form submissions.
Update mobile navigation menu styling.
Update roadmap feature request form styling.
Moved to non-icon font for faster page load.
Moved to using SVG for icons.
Added CSP headers.
Updated quick start copy.
Implemented account information page.
Fixed sign in and create user flows on unsupported platforms, will no longer freeze.
Prevent auto-zoom on input forms on iOS by using larger font.
Updated UI for sign in and create account forms.
Added Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links to create account form.
Added current payment plan display to user account page.
Added logout button to user account page.
Added hints to login and create account page inputs.
Updated logo on html page to show version.
Fixed issue when logging in where response was incorrectly seen as error.
Added support for deleting cubes from local SQLite database.
Updated cells panel per-cell button interface to be more readable.
Simplified event handlers to have only one type of cell update (breaking change).
Changed navigation to HTML login/create account pages.
Implemented remove buttons for MatchOn statements and for Actions in the reactivity panel.
Updated error messages during login and account creation to be more informative.
Fixed login failure issue.