Function Reference
This page is a list of every function you can use to build components.
- The width of the screen.
- The height of the screen.
- The data associated with the currently matched event.
- Reference a cell by name.
- The value of the cell at the given absolute path.
- The expression defined in the cell at the given absolute path.
- When evaluated, this function returns the wrapped expression directly.
- Evaluate an expression using the context of the evaluating node.
- Evaluate each expression in a container. Returns the same container, but each value is the result from evaluating.
- Get information about the subcomponents of a node.
- Information about the cells defined on a node.
- The persistence state of a node.
- The generating expression or component for a node.
- The absolute path of a cell in a subcomponent.
- The absolute path of a cell in the evaluating component.
- Convert a function expression into its arguments and name.
- The square root of a number.
- Convert an expression to readable text.
- Wrap the given expression in an array.
- Returns true if the given expression can be evaluated successfully.
- The length of the text in characters.
- An array of all of the keys in the a map.
- List the keys and values of a map.
- Convert a component into its cell definitions.
- The length of the array in elements.
- Sum of all numbers in an arrray.
- The maximum number in an array of numbers.
- The minimum number in an array of numbers.
- The running sum of all of the numbers in an array.
- Reverses the elements in the array.
- Performs a matrix transpose operation on an array of arrays.
- Reference a global application cell by name.
- Negate a number.
- Returns true when the number is an integer (not a fraction).
- Convert a fractional number into an integer.
- Converts text into a number.
- Convert a function name into the default expression for that function.
- An array of component ids which are currently accessible.
- Returns metadata about the component with the given component id.
- Convert true to 1 and false to 0.
- The component id being referenced.
- The overrides set in the reference.
- The type (mutable or immutable) of the reference.
- The number of matcher pairs in the given event handler.
- Convert a text character into a shape.
- Get the size of the angle in radians.
- Create an anchor to a specific node using a path.
- Evaluate an expression using the context of the node at the given path.
- Reference a cell in a parent component by name.
- Returns the value of a cell in a subcomponent.
- Returns an array of the values of the cell defined by all current subcomponents.
- Get the absolute path of a cell in a parent component.
- Get the absolute path of a cell in a subcomponent.
- Creates a ComponentRef from a component id and a set of overrides.
- Get the value at the given index from the array.
- Return the key associated to a given index of a map.
- Try returning the result from the expression. If that fails then return the default value.
- Logical AND.
- Logical OR.
- Join two texts together into a single text.
- Join two arrays together into a single array.
- Apply a one-argument function to an array of values.
- Returns true when both argument expressions match. Does not evaluate the arguments.
- Returns true when a > b.
- Returns true when a < b.
- Use some filter text to search for matches in an Array of Text.
- Repeats some value some number of times. Does not evaluate to_repeat.
- Insert an element at the end of an array.
- Remove an element at a given index from the array.
- Drop the last n elements from an array and return the remaining elements.
- Create a new map using the provided key and value.
- Returns the larger value of a or b.
- Returns the smaller value of a or b.
- Take the first n elements from the array.
- Returns the input array with the first n elements dropped.
- Take the first n characters from some text.
- Returns the input text with the first n characters dropped.
- Convert an expression into a short readable display.
- Evaluate and return the expression at a given key in a map.
- Saturate a color by some amount between -1 and 1.
- Brighten a color by some amount between 1 and -1.
- Add cells to a component. Override cells on a ComponentRef.
- Split the text using the specified pattern.
- Retrieve a cursor position by name.
- Create a map by zipping a list of keys with list of values.
- Create a sub-index literal using a type and and the expected arguments.
- Reference an expression at some sub-index of a cells value.
- If the condition is true then return the second argument; otherwise, return the third argument.
- Insert the value into the map at the given key.
- Apply a two-argument function to an array of values using the supplied value as the first argument.
- Set the value at the given index of an array.